The Importance Of A Sabbath

restore self-care self-love May 09, 2020

I did nothing today.

I’m so proud of myself.

I’d almost forgotten how, but I managed to do nothing today.

I almost began to wonder what was wrong with me that I only wanted to be still and rest. I felt the restlessness of my over-achiever self-wanting to get something accomplished. I reminded her that rest is so important the creation story gives one out of seven days over to it.

We are a society that has forgotten how to rest. We create ever more exciting and  engaging ways to play, recreate, and entertain ourselves only to rush around during our “free time” trying to fit everything in.

What about kicking back and doing nothing, staring at the moon, watching the sun set, lying in the hammock with no thought. Give your spirit time to soar free of physical shackles long enough for its renewal.

Doing nothing becomes a bigger challenge each year. Now I must ignore not only unanswered mail, but the e-mail that mounts higher by the hour. Not only unread...

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Psychic Soul Retrieval

soul retrieval May 09, 2020

We deliver to you blessings from the Councils of Light, who watch carefully over this earth and over you who are crossing over into new paradigms. Breathe in and accept our blessings, so our words may quicken in you whatever responses take you further along your path of spiritual unfoldment.

Encoded in you is all the knowledge needed to unravel the mystery of your unique personality and return to the remembrance that you are God. Incarnation is a funny thing, really, since all is the One Being: omniscient, omnipresent, omnipotent, and unconditionally loving. So how do we, who are S/He, get life so muddled anyway, and how do we step out of this puzzle? The only real explanation for the Supreme Being choosing to create incarnations is curiosity. God is curious: “What would it be like if I, becoming a little i, could so entangle myself in that which is not me that I would find it impossible to recover my self knowledge”

Eventually the god within always untangles itself, and...

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Femifesting Your Heart's Desire

Femifesting brings the power of your yin, intuitive nature to creating your ideal life, knowing the Universe wants you to have what you desire, that you are worthy.  When you love yourself enough, your heart becomes a base of operation from which you can attract abundant good.

Manifesting focuses on how to get from here to a desired result, is more mental, more linear.  Femifesting is holistic, sees the bigger picture, and envisions it already done.   Knowing time is illusory, you go sit in your brightest future, basking in the actualization of your highest visions, drawing your life to that level of fruition.  It anchors “now” to that bright future. 

With the guidance of your actualized future self, you embody the fulfillment of your work, relationships, new home, new life.  You Impregnate yourself with the fullness of your mission and dreams and enthusiastically embrace them.  Femifesting helps foster those ah!ha! moments where...

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Releasing Emotional Armoring

emotions healing therapy May 01, 2019

We spend our childhood building emotional armor and our adulthood trying to get free of it.  It serves to honor this armoring and any dissociative process that helped protect us from what seemed shocking or harmful.  When children lack clear guidance, they invent ways to cope -served then, not so useful as an adult.

Honor that your armoring was formed for a reason, a protection against unsavory people or parents’ pain, a defense against unbearable feelings, a response to being forced to cope beyond your understanding.  As you honor how it has served you, it can soften over time, allow your essential essence to shine through.  

What we resist, persists, so take time for your young selves who felt the need for armoring, to get safe and realize there is, finally, an adult on duty.  When they hear you’ve got this, they can relax, stop reacting to the world with shut-down or fear.  Then armoring can slowly dissolve.  

Also helpful...

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Our Era Of Gender Fluidity

Our world is coming into a fertile time when we realize gender is not binary. Masculine and feminine are two points on a continuum along which we move throughout our day and our activities. We are more in our Yang side when we’re building and implementing, more in our Yin side when being creative and receiving guidance.

Gender is so fluid for some that they live the whole continuum, changing their look with their mood.  Others prefer expressing a gender different from how their body appears, perhaps for a lifetime, perhaps for a time. A dear friend chooses to add the other gender to his sense of self, keeping his beard even as s/he identifies more with his feminine, enjoying nail polish and soft garments.  Others feel so gender neutral that defining themselves by gender makes no sense.

Gender becomes a choice we can make and revise to reflect the qualities of our inner world. What if we cease to have gender be a definition and instead an opportunity to...

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Changes Are Rocking Our Foundation

Uncategorized Apr 01, 2018

You feel it? I feel it too. We’ve called for radical change for so long and now we’re in it, and the rate of change is accelerating, so many are feeling it. Like losing your balance as a ship lurches forward. When the flow feels like white water, simply face into the heart of the flow, keep your feet in front of you and, as the Hopi Elder said: “Look at who is in there with you, hold fast to them, and celebrate!”

We’ve prayed up, danced up, sang up big leaps in consciousness and major shifts in this species. Here we are, it’s rocky, the ground under our feet is shifting—a good thing. Unfasten your seat belt and let go. We don’t want what is fading, so release the holding fast to what you knew. Enter the creative space of not-knowing, and allow the Mystery to guide us to breakthroughs and discontinuous change. May feel like a rabbit hole, but we’re collectively creating the next quantum leaps. May we indeed be inventive of...

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Living From Love - Part 3

We are evolving a new species on this planet, some call homo noeticus—those with all of their means of knowing fully open. Some say, homo luminosity—those who align with their divine light. Your light, your heart, your collaboration with Spirit through prayer and practices allows you to stay in the center of the path of your Soul’s plan. All the resources you need are placed along that path, and the desires of your heart guide you there.

Trust yourself, your whole self, and become deeply present to who you are as a divine being, so that you utilize all your spiritual resources and become Love Itself. Love awaits your coming home.

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Living From Love - Part 2

As we learn to sit on our inner seat of power, we begin to realize that having mastery over our mind means choosing where we let it go at any moment. In an ego-based life, the mind runs us in circles with us at effect of its meanderings. The ego uses the past to predict the future, and if we focus on it’s fears and concerns, we lose the now.

In a spirit and heart based life, our mind is a tool and we guide how we wield it. If we want calm, we focus on calming thoughts and ignore others. If we want love, we invite loving thoughts to the table, and ignore those that judge or separate. To be able to keep choosing loving thoughts, sit often at the altar in your heart and see the world through the eyes of your heart. So vital I’ve put a 5 minute grounding and manifesting on YouTube. Enjoy, put audio on your phone, yours to share.

The inner seat of power from which we gain this level of sovereignty is accessed through deep groundedness and breath. Bringing your presence into...

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Living From Love - Part 1

Living as if we are love brings the greatest happiness and inner peace. Living as if we know we are love is living the truth. We are created from Universal Love. We are birthed in Spirit from the heart of love, and when we tune in deeply to the light of Divinity at our core, we return to absolute love.

A soul never needs to leave the realm of love, yet our human minds take us into thoughts that separate us from love. Each negative thought, that we give our attention to, exposes us to even more negative thoughts, and before long we spiral down into shame, blame, fear, or guilt. Part of the human condition. We can also catch an updraft by focusing on thoughts that uplift. Of all possible thoughts in a moment, choosing a positive thought each moment can open the door for more positive thoughts to enter.

Every moment offers myriad thoughts. You get to choose which thought you focus on, which thought you entertain and give real estate in your mind. Thoughts are always coming and going,...

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