Our Era of Gender Fluidity
Our world is coming into a fertile time when we realize gender is not actually binary. Masculine and feminine are two points on a continuum along which we move throughout our day and our activities. We are more in our Yang side when we're building and implementing, more in our Yin side when being creative and receiving guidance.
Gender is so fluid for some that they live the whole continuum, changing their look with their mood.  Others prefer expressing a gender different from how...
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Guided Through Tumultuous Times

The Council of Twelve

“Greetings and radiant blessings from the Realms of Light.  We greet your heart and encourage it to keep opening, even in the midst of the chaos of these times.  Open-hearted loving is called for now – meeting everyone, no matter what their persuasions, with unconditional love.

What is going to happen here?  So many widely differing “truths” and so much media-induced fear.

From our view beyond reality, we see possibilities of a...

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My Path of Mysticism

It was never my goal to become a Mystic.

I began studying religion in college. 

While working in my second church, I realized I could feel no sense of "Spirit" there. 

It felt more like a business than a holy place. 

For years, I had been very active in the Methodist church, as a local, state-wide and regional officer in youth fellowship. Despite this work in the church, I found myself, at 27 years of age, doubting if God even existed. 


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Stream of Guided Wisdom
Change is afoot. At this cusp of an age, the whole world is changing, basic assumptions are being challenged. What seemed secure no longer does. To stay balanced, sink your roots into that which is unchangeable, the core of your being, the Light at your center.  Collaborating with guidance helps you stay in that center.
Guidance comes in many forms and comes every time you ask, though you may not perceive it. It's easy to miss - the "still small voice" can seem like your own mind,...
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Reclaiming the Matriarch

Finally, we are coming to honor and appreciate the Crone, the font of wisdom a woman becomes after a life well-lived and lessons well learned.  I believe though, we are missing an important stage of life in our usual paradigm, the stage of Matriarch.  That gives us four stages: Maiden, Matron, Matriarch, and Crone.

Matriarch is the woman who has raised her children and completed her obligations as an active parent, or one who has devoted her 30s and 40s to establishing her career...

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You deserve more of yourselfā€‹!

You deserve more of yourself! I’m impressed with how much we can transmute in our physical body and life, simply by bringing in our Light Body and living from our multi dimensional self. So simple, though it takes years of devotion to self love, meditation, conscious movement, and shifting our thoughts to arrive at this as our default. When it does, even for some days out of the week, life feels brighter.

A dear friend last summer had the courage to point out how often I would complain,...

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